Saturday, January 12, 2008

Think Pink! And Bunnies!

It seems that as soon as I packed up my tree and took down the lights, pink sprouted everywhere. Seriously, I couldn't even catch my breath from Christmas when Valentine's was being hailed from every corner.

But that's ok, because babies look seriously cute in pink. And then I took a good look at my shop and realized that I have a lot of pink in it. But what sells even better are the rabbit hats, the white and the Peter Rabbit ones.

There are rabbit hat patterns available all over the net and in books, it can be fun seeing the different styles that are out there.
But in keeping with the season, if I have to pick a favorite out of my shop, I would say this is one of them:

My Raspberry hat. Sweet, pretty, but no hearts, so no seasonal overkill. Perfect.

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Think Pink! And Bunnies!

It seems that as soon as I packed up my tree and took down the lights, pink sprouted everywhere. Seriously, I couldn't even catch my breath from Christmas when Valentine's was being hailed from every corner.

But that's ok, because babies look seriously cute in pink. And then I took a good look at my shop and realized that I have a lot of pink in it. But what sells even better are the rabbit hats, the white and the Peter Rabbit ones.

There are rabbit hat patterns available all over the net and in books, it can be fun seeing the different styles that are out there.
But in keeping with the season, if I have to pick a favorite out of my shop, I would say this is one of them:

My Raspberry hat. Sweet, pretty, but no hearts, so no seasonal overkill. Perfect.


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